5 Tricks That Will Boost Your Act Scores Even More


There has always been a lot of dispute surrounding all kinds of tests. Some people protest the fact that they are an effective means of evaluating knowledge. Others argue that the test system is flawed and cannot be considered an objective criterion. Figuring out how to boost your ACT scores will help you to get the best or good score - if you are not an overachiever - and help lower overall SAT and ACT test anxiety.

1. Beat the ACT test anxiety!

ACT test anxiety is not an excuse or a mythical disease. It is a real, confirmed condition that can stand between you and your ACT performance and lead to failure. This is why it’s very important to recognize the earliest symptoms and deal with this issue as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you are at risk of wasting your precious time trying to convince yourself that what you're feeling is not that big of a deal.

Test anxiety is characterized by excessive nervousness in situations where there's high pressure to do well. The disorder manifests itself with headaches, nausea, high blood pressure, fainting or even passing out. Emotional symptoms may include anger, frustration and depression with people starting laughing, crying uncontrollably or just fidgeting at the most important moments. Panic attacks are also quite common.

If you are really all that nervous about getting highest ACT scores or are prone to experiencing anxiety, the best way to fight your ACT text anxiety off is to plan your studies beforehand and take the exam (or the official ACT practice tests) as many times as possible in order to adapt to exam conditions.

2. Get your hands on an ACT cheat sheet

We are not encouraging you to cheat - not in the slightest. Cheating is illegal: keep in mind that your fellow students are encouraged to report and turn you in - there are actual reporting hotlines. In case you are caught red-handed, the teacher may take your test sheet away and even that will be the least of your troubles. What we ARE suggesting is to find and go through some ACT review sheets, summing up and revising any important information on every discipline you are taking. This help memorize numbers and formulas, ensuring that all the information is conveniently stored in your mental database. 

It is much easier to revise material using ACT review sheets and formula sheets. You cannot use them during the test itself, even though some formulas will be given within the tasks. But then again, revision can help your tired brain focus more on the tasks than on panic attacks while trying to remember THAT FORMULA giving you the highest ACT score.

3. Take a preliminary ACT test

You may already be sick and tired of all these revisions, but facts say that most students really do better on their second and third attempts. The earlier you start and the more attempts you make the better your chances are for getting the highest ACT scores. If you have no opportunity or simply came across this advice when its too late then at least go through several ACT-test samples. There are tons of printable and online worksheets to help you with getting ready for the real deal.

4. Be careful during the test itself

The highest ACT scores are sometimes the scores that are gained due to your familiarity with the test and taking it one step at a time, rather than due to your high levels of preparation

Always skip the hardest tasks - mark those to get to them later. Being stuck on a question you don't know is extremely time-consuming, frustrating and may distract you from the easier questions you might know the answers to. Lead with your strongest points and focus on what you know for sure. Read the tasks and the paragraphs carefully. Plan your essays before actually writing them and never skip proofreading.

5. Know the average ACT scores

If you're still worried about ACT scores, remember that there is no definite criterion or variable that will definitely make you flunk and drag you to the bottom. 

Every year the average ACT score review is renewed based on the previous year results. Look those numbers up beforehand to get a full picture and evaluate your chances. 

Last but not least: keep your head cool. You may not be experiencing ACT test anxiety but that doesn’t mean that you aren't influenced by the whole hysteria. Don’t let anything discourage you and try not to lose heart during this brief but difficult time. Good luck on getting the highest ACT scores!