Mathomatic Command Summary


Mathomatic Command Summary
approximate - Approximate all numerical values in equation spaces.
Usage: approximate [equation-number-ranges]
calculate - Temporarily plug in values for variables and approximate.
Usage: calculate ["factor"] [variable number-of-iterations]
This command may be preceded with "repeat".
clear - Delete expressions stored in memory so equation spaces can be reused.
Usage: clear [equation-number-ranges]
Tip: Use "clear all" to quickly restart Mathomatic.
code - Output C, Java, or Python code for the specified equations.
Usage: code ["c" or "java" or "python" or "integer"] [equation-number-ranges]
Related commands: simplify, optimize, and variables
compare - Compare two equation spaces to see if mathematically the same.
Usage: compare ["symbolic"] equation-number ["with" equation-number]
copy - Duplicate the contents of the specified equation spaces.
Usage: copy [equation-number-range]
derivative - Symbolically differentiate and simplify, order times.
Usage: derivative ["nosimplify"] [variable or "all"] [order]
Alternate name for this command: differentiate
display - Display equation spaces in pretty multi-line (2D) fraction format.
Usage: display ["factor"] [equation-number-ranges]
divide - Prompt for 2 numbers or polynomials and divide. Give result and GCD.
Usage: divide [variable]
This command may be preceded with "repeat".
echo - Output a line of text, followed by a newline.
Usage: echo [text]
edit - Edit all equation spaces or an input file, then read them in.
Usage: edit [file-name]
eliminate - Substitute the specified variables with solved equations.
Usage: eliminate variables or "all" ["using" equation-number]
This command may be preceded with "repeat".
extrema - Show where the slope of the current equation equals zero.
Usage: extrema [variable] [order]
factor - Factor variables in equation spaces or factor given integers.
Usage: factor ["number" [integers]] or ["power"] [equation-number-range] [variables]
Alternate name for this command: collect
fraction - Convert expression to a single simple fraction.
Usage: fraction [equation-number-range]
Alternate name for this command: together
help - Short, built-in help and reference.
Usage: help [topics or command-names]
imaginary - Copy the imaginary part of the current expression.
Usage: imaginary [variable]
Related command: real
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10/23/2010 02:45 PM


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