Cover Letter Do’s and Don’ts
Briefly demonstrate to the employer that you are familiar with the position’s
responsibilities and the employer’s organization
Personalize the cover letter by relating your desire for the job to your personal experience
Illustrate your qualifications with examples by providing specific achievements that can
aid in the advancement of the organization’s agenda
Send the letter to a specific person using their first and last name along with any
professional titles (Doctor, Professor, Mr. or Ms.)
When in doubt, address the letter to “Dear Hiring Manager:”
If a specific person alerted you to the job opening, include that person’s name and
professional affiliation (i.e. Professor John Dun of UC Merced’s School of Engineering
suggested that I should contact you about your Sanitary Engineering opening.)
Repeat your resume
Send the same generic cover letter for every job
Write more than one page
Use the exact wording in the job description for your skills
Analyze your background: Think about your background in relation to the job responsibilities
and qualifications. Ask yourself “What have I done that is similar to this position?” Areas to
think about are courses taken, classroom projects, past work, experiences, summer jobs,
internships, volunteer experience, and extracurricular involvement.