Follow- up Communications
Follow-up is a pivotal part of the application process and it can potentially serve as a
deciding factor for the employer
The intent is to be courteous and thank the employer for the interview
It reflects your professionalism and continuing interest in the job
When chosen for a job interview, you are being considered seriously for a position
Follow-up communications can also be taken as an opportunity to address any questions
you have, to mention something important you forgot to say, or correct a mistake you
made during the interview
A follow-up should be sent 1-2 days after an interview
Normally only follow up once with an employer
If a significant amount of time has passed between a second or third interview, you may
send a quick note to inquire on the status of the hiring process
A follow-up is primarily done over email, however a professionally written thank you
note can distinguish you from others
Only follow-up one time per interview
Example of a professional follow-up email
Subject: Thank you – Student Assistant Interview
Dear Mr. Carol,
Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you and learn more about the student assistant
position with the Office of Student Life. I feel this will be an excellent match for my skills and
interests. Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.
Matthew Long
(320) 555-3845