Instrucciones Para El Formulario W-3pr (Instructions For Form W-3pr) - 2016 Page 9


used on Form 941-PR, 943-PR, 944(SP), or Schedule H-PR (Form
the current year Form W-3PR adjustments from Forms 941-PR,
1040-PR). Don't use a prior owner's EIN.
943-PR, 944(SP), or Schedule H-PR (Form 1040-PR) that include
adjustment amounts for a prior year.
If you don't have an EIN when filing Form W-3PR, enter “Applied
For” in box c, not your social security number (SSN). You can get an
2. Social security and Medicare taxes (boxes 11 and 13). The
EIN by applying online at
or by faxing or mailing Form SS-4,
amounts shown on the four quarterly Forms 941-PR (or annual Form
Application for Employer Identification Number, to the IRS.
943-PR, Form 944(SP), or Schedule H-PR (Form 1040-PR)),
including current year adjustments, should be approximately twice
Boxes d and e: Employer's name and address. Enter the
the amounts shown on Form W-3PR.
employer's name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code.
Amounts reported on Form(s) 499R-2/W-2PR, W-3PR, 941-PR,
Box f: Other EIN used this year. If you have used an EIN
943-PR, 944(SP), and Schedule H-PR (Form 1040-PR) may not
(including a prior owner's EIN) on Form 941-PR, 943-PR, or 944(SP)
match for valid reasons. If the amounts don't match, you should
submitted for 2016 that is different from the EIN reported in box c on
determine that the reasons are valid. Keep your reconciliation in
Form W-3PR, enter the other EIN used. Agents generally report the
case there are inquiries from the IRS or the SSA.
employer's EIN in box f. If an agent is reporting for more than one
employer, leave box f blank.
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for
Contact person, telephone number, fax number, and email ad-
the information on Form W-3PR to carry out the Internal Revenue
dress. Enter this information for use by the SSA if any questions
laws of the United States. We need it to figure and collect the right
arise during processing. The name of a contact person must be
amount of tax. Section 6051 of the Internal Revenue Code and its
provided in case there are any questions in regard to the form during
regulations require you to furnish wage and tax statements to
processing. The employer's phone number, fax number, and email
employees, the Social Security Administration, and the Internal
address need to be provided.
Revenue Service. Section 6109 of the Code requires you to provide
your employer identification number (EIN). Failure to provide this
Payroll service providers enter your client's information for
information, or providing false or fraudulent information, may subject
these fields.
you to penalties.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a
The amounts to enter in boxes 1 through 4 and 6 through
form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form
16, described next, are totals from only the Forms 499R-2/
displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a
W-2PR (excluding any Forms 499R-2/W-2PR marked
form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents
“VOID”) that you are sending with this Form W-3PR.
may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue
Boxes 14 and 6-16. Enter the amounts from the corresponding
totals from the Form(s) 499R-2/W-2PR you are sending with this
Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, as
Form W-3PR.
required in section 6103. However, section 6103 allows or requires
Box 13. Include in this box the total amount of Additional
the IRS to disclose or give the information shown on your tax return
Medicare Tax withheld, if any. For more information about the
to others as described in the Code. For example, we may disclose
Additional Medicare Tax, go to and enter “Additional
your tax information to the Department of Justice to enforce the tax
Medicare Tax” in the search box.
laws, both civil and criminal, and to cities, states, the District of
Columbia, and U.S. commonwealths or possessions to carry out
Reconciling Form(s) 499R-2/W-2PR, W-3PR,
their tax laws. We may disclose your tax information to the
Department of the Treasury and contractors for tax administration
941-PR, 943-PR, 944(SP), and Schedule H-PR
purposes; and to other persons as necessary to obtain information
(Form 1040-PR)
needed to determine the amount of or to collect the tax you owe. We
Reconcile the amounts shown in boxes 10, 12a, and 14 from all
may disclose your tax information to the Comptroller General of the
2016 Forms W-3PR with their corresponding amounts from the
United States to permit the Comptroller General to review the
yearly totals of the quarterly Forms 941-PR, or annual Forms
Internal Revenue Service. We may disclose your tax information to
943-PR, 944(SP), and Schedule H-PR (Form 1040-PR). When there
committees of Congress; federal, state, and local child support
are discrepancies between amounts reported on Form(s) 499R-2/
agencies; and to other federal agencies for the purposes of
W-2PR and W-3PR filed with the SSA and Forms 941-PR, 943-PR,
determining entitlement for benefits or the eligibility for and the
944(SP), and Schedule H-PR (Form 1040-PR) filed with the IRS,
repayment of loans. We may also disclose this information to other
you will be contacted to resolve the discrepancies.
countries under a tax treaty, to federal and state agencies to enforce
federal nontax criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement and
Reducing discrepancies between amounts reported on
intelligence agencies to combat terrorism.
Forms 499R-2/W-2PR and W-3PR, and Forms 941-PR, 943-PR,
944(SP), and Schedule H-PR (Form 1040-PR):
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary
Be sure that the amounts on Form W-3PR for 2016 are the total
depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average time
amounts from Form(s) 499R-2/W-2PR.
is 27 minutes. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of this
Reconcile Form W-3PR with your four quarterly Forms 941-PR (or
time estimate or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would
be happy to hear from you. You can send your comments to the
annual Forms 943-PR, 944(SP), and Schedule H-PR (Form
1040-PR)) by comparing amounts reported for:
Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Publications Division,
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Don't
1. Social security wages, Medicare wages and tips, and social
send Form(s) 499R-2/W-2PR or W-3PR to this address. Instead,
security tips (boxes 10, 12a, and 14). Form W-3PR should include
see Where to file, earlier.
Form 941-PR or Forms 943-PR, 944(SP), or Schedule H-PR (Form
1040-PR) adjustments only for the current year. You can't report on


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