Communicating With Parents / Guardians Page 12


M rs. Casey's Grade One
Septem ber Newsletter
Dear Grade One Parents,
wonderful strategy for beginning readers.
W hen your child loses his/her way and/or is
The children are working hard to get back
unsure of what the word is, have him /her go
into the "swing of things". I would like to
back to the beginning of the sentence or
share with you the concepts we will be
poem and start again. This strategy not only
working on during the m onth of Septem ber.
helps the child to identify the unknown
Som e of these concepts will continue into
word(s) but also focuses his/her attention on
October and m any will be ongoing throughout
the meaning of the sentence.
the year.
It would be beneficial if you reinforce
these strategies when your child is doing
his/her “Borrow -a-Book".
Through direct teacher instruction,
student drill and practice of various reading
and writing concepts, the Grade 1 class will
be working on developing the following skills:
Our daily Math program includes calendar
Sight vocabulary
counting, Place Value (tens and ones),
Letter sounds - blending sounds for
graphing , the day's weather and
reading and segm enting sounds for
tem perature.
Com prehension
Also the children will be engaged in the
Reading accuracy and fluency
Math concepts listed below.
Listening skills and following
patterning and sorting (identify rule,
create and extend the pattern)
exploring numbers and number words
Our daily Language Arts program entails
to 10
Jolly Phonics, Shared Reading using poetry
and big books, W ord W all W ords (refer to
one-to-one correspondence between
separate newsletter), M odeled W riting,
num bers and objects
W riters W orkshop, M essage Board where
com pare and represent num bers to 50
gram m ar writing skills are taught, practiced
counting by 1 's to 100
and reinforced, Read Alouds and
Independent Reading.
Attached to this newsletter is an
inform ation sheet of hom e activities that will
Through our daily reading program I will
help reinforce the concept of sorting and
be introducing various reading strategies.
patterning. Later on this m onth, I will send
Presently, we are working on three different
hom e som e ideas for hom e activities to help
your child learn about num bers and num ber
Use picture clues.
Backtrack and read again.
Does it m ake sense?
Use picture clues (Look at the picture)
Parents often wonder if it is acceptable for
The children will be learning about what it
children to look at pictures in order to identify
m eans to belong to God's fam ily, their own
unknown words. Absolutely! Children in
fam ily and the school fam ily. The children
Grade One are beginning readers and the
will also be learning to pray the "Our Father."
em phasis m ust be placed on m aking sense of
the story and applying reading strategies to
identify unknown words.
"Backtrack and read again" is a
New Teacher Induction Program - 2011
Page 101


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