Communicating With Parents / Guardians Page 13


She tells m e all about herself,
Her fam ily, friends and dream s.
W e are beginning our program “Many
That m akes me feel im portant
Gifts”. Our activities will include learning
She trusts m e with those things.
about the different types of buildings people
live in. They will learn the term s “globe and
She says I have potential.
m odel", as well as position of objects using
She sees things others don't.
comm on location nam es (in, out, close,
She sees those things that I WILL DO,
between, under, over, etc).
And not the things I WON'T!
She puts her hand on top of m ine,
And tells m e, "W ay to go!"
"You can do it! "Try again!"
If your child is bringing m oney to school
"I'm proud of you, you know!"
whether for pizza, hot dog, book orders, etc.
please have the m oney either in a wallet or in
It's not m y fault, it's really not,
a sealed envelope. Loose change can easily
There's three ways to spell "TO".
get lost. At this age, the children often do not
W ith choices always facing m e,
know why they have m oney with them . You
I don't know what to do.
m ay tell them before they leave for school but
trust m e they forget by the tim e they arrive.
Sometim es I can't spell anything,
Label the envelope or send a note in your
My fives are upside down.
child's wallet or planner telling m e what the
Two plus two m akes three. I think!
m oney is for. Thanks for your co-operation.
I turn 'b' and ‘d' around.
Im portant dates:
The rules all have exceptions.
Thursday, Septem ber 22 will be our
You can't depend on those.
annual Barbeque from 5:00 p.m to
The letters can say anything.
7:00 p.m .
W hat is that word - WHO KNOW S?
W ednesday, Septem ber 28, the
Prim ary Division (K -3) will be holding
I guess that when you've learned to read
an information night regarding literacy
It's easy to forget.
development. It will take place in our
It really is quite difficult
gym from 6:30 p.m . to 7:30 p.m .
W hen you haven't learned how yet.
I look forward to seeing you at these
My teacher tells m e stories,
school functions.
Sets the words and pictures free.
And while I'm learning how to read,
Over the next two weeks, I will be phoning
She reads such tales to m e.
you just to find out how your little ones are
adjusting to Grade One. I know all of them
My teacher takes m y hand in hers
are extrem ely tired by the end of the day.
And guides m e on the way.
This is to be expected as they are not used to
She knows I'll read in m y own tim e ...
going to school fulltim e.
Though m aybe not today!
My teacher thinks I'm special,
M y Teacher Thinks I'm Special
Unique and very bright;
Written by: Mary C. Howard
A shining star in m y own way.
Know what?
My teacher thinks I'm special.
It com es as no surprise.
She doesn't have to say so.
I see it in her eyes.
New Teacher Induction Program - 2011
Page 102


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