Communicating With Parents / Guardians Page 5


Teaching Practice
Mem bers of OCT report and provide ongoing feedback of individual achievem ent to
students and parents.
Leadership and Com m unity
Members of OCT build trust with students, parents and the com m unity.
Mem bers of OCT create opportunities for students to share their learning with their
classm ates, schoolm ates, parents and the com m unity
Mem bers of OCT invite parents and mem bers of the com m unity to share their knowledge
and skills in supporting classroom and school activities.
The following are effective ways to strengthen com m unication between hom e and school.
Sunshine Calls
Sunshine calls are m essages hom e to parents/guardians that are about som ething positive
their child has accom plished. Sunshine calls m ay be m ade at the beginning of the school year,
m iddle of the year or end of the school year. A positive call m ay be m ade whenever a student
perform s a positive behaviour, when a student com pletes a challenging task, and/or when a
student who is having difficulties shows im provem ent. It is suggested to record sunshine calls on a
telephone log to track the parents/guardians with whom you have m ade contact.
Com m unication Logs
It is highly recom m ended to keep a tracking log to record conversations with
parents/guardians about student behaviour, academ ic progress, etc. It is recomm ended that issues
that have been discussed with a parent/guardian be recorded, dated and kept in a confidential
Hom ework
The Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board supports the inclusion of hom ework in school
program s and recognizes the need to com m unicate clearly and effectively to parents the learning
expectations related to hom ework. It is the policy of the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board
that all schools will have a school hom ework policy. Each school has the responsibility for
determining the appropriate hom ework expectations for each grade level and com m unicating their
expectation to students and parents.
The am ount and frequency of hom ework will vary with the grade and program of each
student. The tim e it will take to do the hom ework will depend not only on the grade but also on
the curricular goals and, the independent learning skills of the student. Hom ework should never be
on new concepts and skills but rather it should be an opportunity to practise skills and knowledge
already taught during class. A guideline could be 10 m inutes per grade e.g. grade 1 has 10
m inutes m axim um while grade 8 has 80 m inutes m axim um .
New Teacher Induction Program - 2011
Page 94


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