Hudson River HealthCare
Competency Checklist for Blood Pressure Measurement
Employee Name/ Title: _____________________________________
Date: ___________________
Trainer Name: _______________________________________________________
Competency is validated by (simulated) observation, oral discussion and/or return demonstration.
Prerequisite: 1) Blood Pressure Pre-test _______%
2) Hypertension review Date __________
3) Blood pressure Post-test ___________%
4) View “BHS Blood pressure measurement” Date _______
5) “BHS Video assessment” , Date ________ Level of accuracy ___/___%
6) Instructional mannequin ” Date _______ Level of accuracy ____/____%
7) Level of accuracy with live subjects _______/_____%
Blood pressure measurement is an important indicator of the current clinical condition of pts., and a powerful predictor of
future cardiovascular overall health ( The sixth report of the joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation and
treatment of HBP).
Gather equipment: stethoscope, calibrated sphygmomanometer, tape
measure, chair and BP cuff.
Explain procedure to patient.
Patient needs to be resting approximately 5 min. before measurement.
Identifies conditions or factors for BP variation.
Position pt with their feet on floor, legs uncrossed and their back
Expose the pt’s arm at least 5 inches above the elbow: Sleeve can be rolled
up but must be able to fit finger under it
Or remove constrictive clothing.
Assess for correct size cuff. The bladder should encircle and cover two-
thirds of the width of the arm: Squeeze all air out of cuff before applying to
Arm is supported, at pt. heart level, palm of hand turned up
Place cuff on bare arm. The center of the bladder should be positioned over
the line of the artery. The lower edge of the bladder should be 2-3 cm (1
inch) above the marked point.
Determine the palpatory systolic pressure by palpating for the
brachial/radial artery, closing the valve, and pumping up the cuff. When
the pulse is no longer felt, this is the palpatory pressure. This is you
palpatory systolic pressure; recall this number. Release the air form the
cuff, and wait 30 seconds.
Add 30mm Hg to the palpatory systolic pressure. This will be your starting
point for Blood pressure measurement.
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