Blood Pressure Measurement Test


Blood pressure
measurement test
________________________________________________ _
7. Some factors that can alter blood
pressure are:
a. Smoking
______________________ ________________________ _
b. Anxiety and other emotional states
c. Talking
d. Full bladder
e. All of the above
Multiple Choice (circle the correct answer):
f. b & d only
1. Normal blood pressure in adults
8. Maximum Inflation Level refers to:
(age 18 or older) is:
a. The maximum level to which the manometer
a. 115/75
can be inflated (300 mmHg on some models –
b. Below 120/80 mmHg
250 mmHg on others).
c. Below 160/90 mmHg
b. The maximum systolic blood pressure
d. Depends on your age
of each individual.
c. The maximum level, as determined by palpating
2. The Korotkoff phase used to determine
the radial pulse, to which the pressure in the cuff
diastolic pressure in adults is:
needs to be raised to accurately assess the
systolic blood pressure.
a. The phase when all sounds disappear.
b. The phase when the sounds suddenly
become muffled.
9. When using the Auscultatory–Palpatory
c. The last sound heard through the stethoscope.
technique of blood pressure measurement,
the pressure in the cuff should be raised:
3. Which of the following can cause
a. 20-30 mmHg higher than the point where
sounds to be heard down to zero?
the pulse disappeared
a. Anemia
b. 30 mmHg higher than the systolic pressure
b. Vigorous exercise
c. 20 mmHg higher than systolic pressure
c. Heavy pressure on the stethoscope
d. All of the above
10. While taking a blood pressure, the first
sound heard through the stethoscope is at
4. A cuff with a bladder too small for
150 mmHg and sounds are heard from 150
the screenee’s arm will result in:
until the last sound is heard at 78 mmHg.
a. An inaccurately high reading
What is the screenee’s Blood Pressure?
b. An inaccurately low reading
a. 150/78
c. Sounds heard down to zero
b. 148/76
c. 150/76
5. If the cuff is applied too loosely,
d. 148/78
the pressure reading will be:
a. Too low
11. While taking a blood pressure, the
b. Too high
screener is not sure whether the first
c. Not affected
sounds were heard at 170 mmHg.
What action should be taken?
6. Common causes of errors in blood
a. Immediately deflate the cuff to “0”, wait 15-30
pressure measurement include:
seconds and reinflate the cuff.
a. Dirty mercury or dirty glass tube
b. Immediately reinflate the cuff above 170 mmHg
b. Cuff applied over clothing
and listen carefully for the first Korotkoff sounds.
c. Leaks in the pressure bulb or tubing
c. Deflate the cuff to “0”. Immediately reinflate to
d. Arm above or below heart level
30 mmHg above estimated systolic pressure and
listen carefully for the first Korotkoff sounds.
e. All of the above


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