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Sample Internship Confirmation Letter
April 13, 2010
Ms. Susan Smith
Director, Public Relations
XYZ Corporation
225 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02145
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am delighted to accept an internship with the Public Relations Department at XYZ Corporation. The
prospect of working with you and the entire public relations team is an exciting one.
Per our conversation, I will begin my internship on June 1, 2010. I will be assigned a cubicle on the
third floor in the Public Relations Department as my workspace. It is my understanding that my main
responsibilities will include writing press releases, editing publications, and facilitating and maintaining
contact with the media. As discussed, I will have an opportunity to meet with you each week. These
meetings will serve as an occasion for us to reflect on my progress and for you to provide me with
pertinent feedback. In addition, you have graciously given me approval to conduct three informational
interviews with professionals within and outside the Public Relations Department during my tenure at
XYZ Corporation. My internship will culminate in a ten-page report on methods for the company to
facilitate stronger media relationships and increase its visibility with the general public. The report is
due on August 10, 2010, also the final day of my internship.
If I have neglected to mention any other portion of our understanding, please let me know. I can be
contacted at (888) 555-xxxx if you need to reach me prior to the start of my internship. Again, thank
you for the opportunity to work with XYZ Corporation.
Jane Q. Sample
175 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06520
Yale Undergraduate Career Services • 55 Whitney Avenue, 3rd Floor, New Haven, CT, 06510 • Online at: