See Rule – 7(1)
Form of Memorandum of Appeal to the First Appellate Authority u/s 19(1) of the Act
(Applicant's Name & address)
The First Appellate Authority
1. Full name of the Appellant
2. Address
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer
4. Date of receipt of the order appealed against
5. Last date for filing the appeal
6. Particulars of information:
(a) Nature and subject matter of the information required
(b) Name of the office or department to which the
information relates
7. The grounds for appeal
(Details if any to be enclosed in separate sheet)
I, ________________________________________ Name of the appellant, son of /
daughter of / wife of _______________________________________ hereby declare that the
particulars furnished in the appeal are to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and
correct and that I have not suppressed any material fact.
Signature of the Appellant
Name and address of Appellate Authority