OMB No.: 3046-0046
Expiration Date: 02/28/2017
Vacancy Announcement No.:
Position Title:
This information is used to determine if our equal employment opportunity efforts are reaching all segments of the population,
consistent with Federal equal employment opportunity laws. Responses to these questions are voluntary. Your responses
will not be shown to the panel rating the applications, to the official selecting an applicant for a position, or to anyone else who
can affect your application. This form will not be placed in your Personnel file nor will it be provided to your supervisors in
your employing office should you be hired. The aggregate information collected through this form will be kept private to the
extent permitted by law. See the Privacy Act Statement below for more information.
Completion of this form is voluntary. No individual personnel selections are made based on this information. There will be no
impact on your application if you choose not to answer any of these questions.
Thank you for helping us to provide better service.
1. How did you learn about this position? (Check One):
Agency Internet Site recruitment
Private Employment Web Site
Other Internet Site
Job Fair
Newspaper or magazine
Agency or other Federal government on campus
School or college counselor or other official
Friend or relative working for this agency
Private Employment Office
Agency Human Resources Department (bulletin board or other announcement)
Federal, State, or Local Job Information Center
2. Sex (Check One):
3. Ethnicity (Check One):
Hispanic or Latino - a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other
Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
Not Hispanic or Latino