Practice Example # 2
Extra equipment needed: Balloons - 1 for every 2 people
Time Drill Name
Explanation of Drill
warm up
Balloon game: Have team partner up - they are playing 1 v 1 with balloon
Object of game: hit balloon to ground to get point
Start with hitting ball in air, each person must contact ball before balloon hits
ground, if balloon hits ground, the last person to touch balloon gets point
**Can have them switch partners after 2-3'
Show & demonstrate
*Staggered stance - right foot forward & knees bent
*Bullwinkle - hands & fingers in shape of ball in front & above forehead
*Superhero Takeoff - fly like a superhero, fingertips follow the ball into extension
Groups of 3; 2 people along net (1=setter, 1=target)and one in middle of court (tosser)
15x each
*have tosser toss to person on right along net (setter), they set to target, target
catches ball to give back to tosser
*Can progress to: tosser tosses to setter, setter sets to target, target then sets to
*Next progression - everyone sets
~ Make sure players square up and face target when setting
Server on 1 side of net can either serve or toss ball over net to passer
*start both at 10'
*Target will be at net to catch passed ball
*Rotation of players through drill: Passer to target, target to server, server to passer
Progression - add hitter, and target becomes setter and sets to hitter (can catch or hit)
Show & demonstrate - always use open hand to control ball better
*Ready - be available and prepared to attack
*Run - approach steps and 2 foot jumps
*Jump - swing both arms forward and up on takeoff
*Swing fast - contact ball at full arm extension
hit from 10'
Split team into 2-3 groups to allow for more practice
Coach/Tosser toss ball to 10' and let player attack ball from there without jumping
*to work on arm swing
Progression - hit from 2' off net and include approach, catch ball above head
*progress to hitting ball with head over net
*progress to hitting ball with hand over net with full approach
4 on 4
Shorten court length and width and play a game
*play best 2/3 points to win 1 big point
*player serves ball and teams play it out
*coach toss to start second ball - teams play it out
*coach toss to start third ball - teams play it out
*The team that wins 2/3 gets to serve, rotate if needed
!!This will allow for the coach to toss to everyone, so everyone gets to play!!