Entry Form - Southern Pines Blues & Bbq


Forest Capital State Park - Highway 19 South - Perry, Florida
Entry Deadline: December 4, 2016
Southern Pines Blues BBQ Festival &
Professional BBQ Competition
Team Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Head Cook: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________ State: __________________________ Zip: ______________________
Day Phone: _______________________________________ Evening/Cell Phone: __________________________________________
Fax: _____________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________
OR $250.00 TO ENTER ALL 4 Categories
= _____________________________________________
Must compete in four categories: Chicken, Ribs, Pork, and Brisket to be eligible for OPEN Best Overall awards and cash prizes. Must
enter a minimum of two meats to compete. (IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE BACKYARD BBQ Division—CALL OUR OFFICE
I will come in early and spend Thursday Night ($25.00) -
No Extra Charge For Those Entering ALL 4
CATEGORIES): ___________
I would like to stay over Saturday Night (No Extra Charge): _____________________________________________________________
I would like to vend BBQ (I agree that I am responsible for
my own licensing requirements) :____________________
OPEN Competition Fee:
Mail your check and completed form to:
Thursday Night Fee:
Total Enclosed:
Perry-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce
Paid by Check: _________________
Cash: ___________________________
C/O Blues BQ OPEN BBQ Event
PO Box 892
If Camper—Size: _____________________________________________________
Perry, FL 32348
Waiver of Liability: In consideration in your accepting this entry, I the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and adminis-
trators, waive any and all right and claims for damages I may have against the Southern Pines Blues & BBQ Festival, the Perry-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce,
the Tourism Development Council or the Taylor County Board of County Commissioners and their representatives, successors, and assigns for any and all injuries
suffered by myself or my team in the event. Further, I hereby grant full permission to the event organizers and/or other agents authorized by them to use photographs,
videotapes, recording, or other records of this event for legitimate reasons. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Southern Pines Blues & Open BBQ
Competition, and I have read the FBA Rules and Regulations and will abide by them.
Sign: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________


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