Class 4- Year 5/6 Curriculum Map- Cycle B
Autumn 1- Vikings
Autumn 2-Vikings
Spring 1- Sikhism
Word reading
NC appendix 1
Comprehension A range of narrative, non- narrative and poetry texts. Texts based on India and
Sikhism. Poets and authors from India.
A range of fiction and non-fiction texts based
on Vikings. Class novel- Grim Gruesome Viking Villain The Cursed Sword by
Rosalind Kerven.
NC appendix 1
A range of narrative and non-narrative writing such as descriptive writing, recounts,
stories from other cultures.
myths, adventure stories and reports.
NC appendix 2
Speaking and
Role play of extracts of stories, hot seating of characters, freeze frames of scenes.
Debating current issues in the news.
Drama linked to class novel and Viking myths
such as enactments of scenes, freeze frames and hot seating of characters.
Number and place values, addition and subtraction, frequent mental maths sessions,
links to Vikings where possible such as problem solving. Finish unit of work on
Fraction, Decimals and Percentages. Begin unit on measurement.
Autumn season & topic links
Rocks and fossils.
Finish rocks and fossils.
to unit on materials.
Categorising rocks and
Categorising rocks and
Experimenting on which
how fossils are formed
how fossils are formed
materials where best for
and make up soil.
and make up soil.
Vikings to wear. Floating and
sinking materials for their
longship design.
Programming- create an
Computer networks
Powerpoint on the
animation of a Viking raid.
geography of India.
Vikings- raids and invasions,
Vikings- Edward the
Reading and discussing
Alfred the great and Athelstan
Confessor, lifestyles,
the brief history of how
Dangeld, Anglo Saxons laws
Sikhism began.
and justice
Use of atlases/google
Understand geographical
India/Punjab. Locating,
maps/drawing of maps- locate
similarities and
finding key physical and
countries which Vikings had
differences through the
human characteristics.
settlements, trade links, made
study of human and
What happens in Punjab
invasions. Drawing a map of a
physical geography of
eg. industry.
Viking town.
Structure- Design, create, test
Textiles- Viking woven
Making Indian food.
and evaluate their own Viking
table mat.