Tourist Visa:
Online visa application form completed, printed and signed on both pages at given places
You must choose Indian mission as UK London ( Second question on Visa form )
Your Passport and 2 photos of 50mm by 50mm ( 2 inch by 2 inch )
Letter of authorisation and declaration form completed and signed
For children under 16, we also need a copy of full size birth certificate with Father and Mother’s name, letter
of consent from both parents and passport copies of both parents
We also need a letter of undertaking from you if your occupation is one of the following: Police, Armed
Forces, Government Service / Civil Servant, Lawyer, Researcher, Media Related: writer; Photographer: Film
Director; Sound / Film Engineer, Religious Ministers/ Priests, Charity worker, Pilot/ Cabin Crew, Social
Worker / Care or Support worker, Dancers / Performers ( Sample letter of undertaking is available from
Payment and prepaid self addressed special delivery return envelope
Fee for
Standard 6/7 working days £149; 3 Working days Fast Track Express Service £169.
1 Year Tourist Visa:
These charges includes visa fee and handling charges
Cheques or Postal orders should be made payable to “India Visa”
You can also make a bank transfer to the following Bank account
Account Name: India Visa, Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc, Account Number: 47533960, Sort Code: 77-20-27, BIC:
LOYDGB21A80, IBAN: GB89 LOYD 7720 2747 5339 60.
Please put applicant’s full name as payment reference and email us the payment confirmation slip
Business Visa:
Please note that the length of Visa mentioned in Invitation Letter, Letter of Support from UK based company
as well as number of months mentioned in Online Visa Application should be same. e.g. if you are applying
for 12 months Visa then it should be 12 months in Letter of Invitation , Letter of Support from UK based
company and Visa Application Form.
Online visa application form completed, printed and signed on both pages at given places
Your Passport, 2 photos of 50mm by 50mm, letter of authorisation and declaration form
Letter of invitation from the Indian Company and a letter of support from UK Company
On their letter headed paper with full contact details and signed by authorised person