Interview Notes - Meadows
Albert was married previously to Eleanor Meadows 128-xx-xxxx and he pays her $100.00
per month alimony.
He says he made a mistake on his interview form – his address should be 24 North St.
Albert retired from AMTRAK on December 1, 2014 after 30 years of service. As he is under
65 and not disabled, he does not receive a SSA equivalent amount on his RRB-1099. His
RRB pension is reported on Form RRB-1099-R. The pension was set up as joint/survivor.
Albert is not eligible for retiree health insurance coverage at this time, and his wife Lois just
started work and doesn't have health insurance through her employer. Their son Warren did
not have health insurance either. Albert purchased health insurance through the
Marketplace for himself, his wife and his son in December 2014. When Albert purchased
health insurance for the family he estmated their household income at $2,000 per month.
Lois attended Woodbury Community College several years ago where she took teaching
certification classes that were necessary for her job. She shows you a 1098E with
student loan interest.