Statement Of Work For Expert Services


(Attorney Letter Head)
(Expert Name)
(Street Address)
(Case Name)
(Case Number)
Expert Name:
Please sign this letter confirming your agreement to be retained by this office and paid through
the Criminal Justice Act pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §3006A(e)(3) in connection with the above-captioned
matter now pending in the United States District Court for the District of Utah. Copies of the motion
I filed with all attachments, and the court’s order are attached.
You will provide expert services in the field of
(type of services),
billing at an hourly rate / fixed
fee / daily rate of
____ Your services shall not exceed the statutory maximum of $2,400.00
____ The Court has authorized you to exceed the statutory maximum of $2,400.00, up to a
maximum amount of $___________.
Also, it is imperative that you notify me in writing if you reach or expect to exceed the amount
authorized. Anything over the authorized amount must be approved in advance by the court to ensure
payment. Without such prior approval, it is possible that the excess amount will not be paid.
In connection with your employment, all communications between you and our client, as well
as communications between you and your attorney, agent, expert, or other employee acting in behalf
of my client behalf shall be confidential and made solely for the purpose of assisting counsel and giving
legal advice to the client. You will not disclose to anyone, without our written permission, the fact of
your employment by us, our client’s name, and the nature or content of any oral or written
communications, nor any information gained from your work in connection with this referral. All work
papers, records, or other documents, regardless of their nature and the source from which they emanate,
shall be considered by you to be confidential and shall be held by you solely for our convenience and
subject to our unqualified right to instruct you with respect to their possession and control.
As part of this agreement to provide services, please notify this office if any of the following
occurs: (a) the exhibition or surrender of any documents or records prepared in connection with this
referral; (b) a request by anyone to speak with you about this matter or inspect documents or records;
or (c) any attempt to serve or the actual service of a court order, subpoena, or summons upon you that
requires production of any documents or records relating to my client for this retainer agreement.


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