Prisoners Abroad 89 – 93 Fonthill Road Finsbury Park London N4 3JH T 020 7561 6820 F 020 7561 6821
email .uk
Charity Number 1093710
Family members often contact Prisoners Abroad to ask us to find out information on behalf of their
loved one in prison, to confirm where the person is being held, to check on money transfers, etc.
Please write below the names of any family and friends who you would like us to talk to about your
case. By signing this form you are giving us your authorisation to discuss your case with them, if they
contact us. They should be over 18.
Prisoners Abroad’s strict confidentiality policy means we can only pass information of this kind to your
partner / family if you have given us specific permission to do so. We will not share any information
with loved ones or anyone else (we cannot even confirm if we are in contact with you) unless you have
named them below. You can continue overleaf if you want to name more than two people.
Their Relationship To You
Their Relationship To You
Prisoners Abroad will:
Send your relatives initial information about our services (including a newsletter and booklet about
ways we help families)
Share information / speak to them about your case at their / your request
Liaise, where appropriate, with prison authorities / social workers etc. on your family’s request
Give your loved one the opportunity to receive our newsletter three times a year
Prisoners Abroad will not:
Phone your family to tell them you are in prison - you should ask the Foreign Office to do this if you
Contact them proactively, unless absolutely necessary
I (please print name),
hereby agree that Prisoners
Abroad can discuss the details of my
and any other information relating to my personal
circumstances, with the members of my family as named above, except where instructed otherwise.
Name of Prison: