Robot Inspection Checklist
Team Number: _________________
Team Name: ______________________
Grade Level: _____ Elementary School
Middle School
Inspection Item
Ruling #
At the start of the match, the robot must only (1) contact the Floor, (2) fit within a
11” x 20” area, bounded by the Starting Position and (3) be no taller than 15”. A
Robot may not expand beyond its 11” x 20” starting area constraint at any
time during the match.
Robot is constructed ONLY from official Robot components from the VEX IQ
product line and the mechanical/structural components from the VEX Robotics by
HEXBUG product line. All rubber bands must be identical in length and thickness
to those included in the VEX IQ product line.
Robot uses no more than 6 (six) VEX IQ Smart Motors. Additional motors cannot
be used on the robot, even ones that are not connected.
Robot uses no more than 1 (one) single VEX IQ battery pack or 6 (six) AA
batteries. Additional batteries cannot be used, even ones that are not connected.
Robot uses ONLY 1 (one) VEX IQ Robot Brain. Robot uses ONLY 1 (one) VEX
IQ Controller to drive during Teamwork and Robot Skills Challenge matches.
Robot installed VEX IQ Brain can communicate with the VEX IQ Controller and is
properly paired using VEX IQ 900 MHz radio, VEX IQ 2.4 GHz radio, or VEX IQ
Smart Radio
No Robot parts have been modified.
Robot does not have components that are intentionally detachable, pose an
unnecessary risk of entanglement, or pose a risk of potential damage to the
playing Field Elements or other robots.
Robot decorations are nonfunctional and do not affect performance.
Robot displays, on 2 (two) opposing sides, clearly visible, the VEX IQ Challenge
license plates with the team number clearly written on them.
* Robot passes inspection when all check boxes are complete and this form includes inspector and team signatures.
Student team member accepts these inspection results and agrees that this robot was
designed, built, and programmed by qualified students on this team, with little
assistance from the adult mentor(s):
Team Student Signature: _________________________________
Date: _________
Inspector Signature: ____________________________________
Date: _________
VEX IQ Challenge
Robot Inspection Checklist