• Ensure the Physician is aware when you receive an electronic
Instructions for communication using the Services
To communicate using the Services, you must:
communication from the Physician, such as by a reply
message or allowing “read receipts” to be sent.
• Reasonably limit or avoid using an employer’s or other third
party’s computer.
• Take precautions to preserve the confidentiality of electronic
communications, such as using screen savers and
• Inform the Physician of any changes in the patient’s email
safeguarding computer passwords.
address, mobile phone number, or other account information
• Withdraw consent only by email or written communication to
necessary to communicate via the Services.
the Physician.
• If you require immediate assistance, or if your condition
If the Services include email, instant messaging and/or
appears serious or rapidly worsens, you should not rely on
text messaging, the following applies:
the Services. Rather, you should call the Physician’s office or
• Include in the message’s subject line an appropriate description
take other measures as appropriate, such as going to the
of the nature of the communication (e.g. “prescription
nearest Emergency Department or urgent care clinic.
renewal”), and your full name in the body of the message.
• Other conditions of use in addition to those set out above:
• Review all electronic communications to ensure they are clear
(patient to initial)
and that all relevant information is provided before sending to
the physician.
I have reviewed and understand all of the risks, conditions, and instructions described in this Appendix.
Patient signature
Patient initials______