BACB Experience Verification Form
Use one form per experience. Applicants may accrue only one type of experience at a time.
Applicant’s Name:
Experience Hours Accumulated (complete all three lines):
A) Number of independent experience hours accumulated: _____
B) Number of supervision hours accumulated: _____
C) Total experience hours accumulated (add lines A and B): _____
Experience Type Obtained
(check only one):
Supervised Independent Fieldwork
BACB Approved University Practicum
(transcript must show passing grade in approved courses)
BACB Approved University Intensive Practicum
(transcript must show passing grade in approved courses)
Experience Time-Frame:
Starting date (MM/DD/YYYY) ___ / ___ / _____ - Ending date (MM/DD/YYYY) ___ / ___ / _____
(Must NOT be prior to April 1, 2005)
(Indicate specific date; do not write “present”)
Supervisor’s Name:
Supervisor’s Title:
Experience Setting:
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