Complete the following form in blue or black ink ONLY!
Last Name
First Name (no nicknames, please) _______________________________________________
Homeroom # ______ Homeroom Teacher ____________________________
As an eighth grade student, you have the privilege to create an original quote/locate a quote
that you would like placed next to your portrait in the yearbook. Your quote must meet the
requirements listed below.
Print the quote CLEARLY. If we cannot read it, we will not use it.
The quote cannot exceed 120 characters and spaces. Please be aware that even if you find
a quote that meets the requirements, it still may be edited due to layout purposes.
If you use an existing quote, include the author or speaker if available.
The quote has to be “school appropriate”. Avoid using slang, IM/ E-mail codes and phrases,
and inappropriate words and subject matter. Your quote will not be used if the yearbook
staff and administration consider your quote to be inappropriate.
Your parent or guardian must sign the bottom of this form to acknowledge that they have
read and approve of your selection
Forms will be collected in the cafeteria during lunch from December 16-18, 2014.
“No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be
better tomorrow.”
-Maya Angelou
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
By signing below, you acknowledge the yearbook quote requirements mentioned above
and approve your child’s submission to the yearbook.
Parent/ Guardian Signature:________________________________________
Phone # ________________________Email address: