B. I/WE shall at all time act in a prudent and cautious manner while on the premises of THIS
STABLE. I/WE agree to follow all safety rules of THIS STABLE any instructions given by
any riding instructors of THIS STABLE. I/WE acknowledge that I/WE have been given a
copy of or have had the opportunity to read The Paddocks Way, which sets forth certain
safety precautions and rules that must be observed while on the premises of THIS STABLE.
I/WE understand that failure to abide by all the rules and all instructions given by instructors
of THIS STABLE can, at the sole option of THIS STABLE, results in an immediate
forfeiture of the Rider’s opportunity to ride at THIS STABLE. Further, if failure by the
Rider, the riders family members of guests, to abide by the rules of follow the directions
given by the instructors of THIS STABLE results in damages or injuries to THIS STABLE’s
employees, animals and/or property or the persons property of others on the premises, I/WE
acknowledge that I/WE shall be held responsible accordingly and agree to indemnify THIS
STABLE for any damages or claims which may be made as a result thereof.
C. I/WE have been fully warmed by THIS STABLE that I/WE can protect ourselves against
head injuries by wearing protective head gear while mounted, riding, dismounting and being
around horses. I/WE understand this protective headgear is Our Own Responsibility.
I, the undersigned, have read and do understand the foregoing agreement and release
Signature of Rider: ______________________________________ Date: ________________
Signature of Father or Guardian: ___________________________ Date: ________________
Signature of Mother or Guardian: __________________________ Date: ________________
Full Address: ________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _______________Cell Phone _______________Work Phone ______________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________
In Case of Emergency Contact: __________________________________________________
TEXAS Warning – Under Texas Law (Chapter 87, Civil Practice and Remedies Code), an
equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine
activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.