Release and Waiver of Liability and Program Participation Agreement
University of Arkansas Education Abroad Programs
Student’s Home Institution: ________________________________________
Program Dates: _________________________________________________
Please read all provisions of this Agreement carefully before signing.
1. Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Risk. In arranging education abroad programs for students,
the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, (“the University” or “UAF”), makes every effort to protect
the welfare and safety of the participants. Recognizing, however, that participation in these programs
is voluntary and that there are certain inherent risks that participants voluntarily assume, I understand
and agree that neither the University, its Board members, agents, and employees, nor any cooperating
institution, assumes any responsibility for damages to or loss of my property, personal illness or
injury, or death to me while I participate in the program. By voluntarily participating in any education
abroad program, I freely assume any risk associated with or arising out of traveling, studying,
conducting research, engaging in community service, and living abroad.
I further acknowledge that it is my responsibility to review U.S. State Department travel advisories,
warnings, or other information available through and freely
assume any and all risks which may arise, concern, or relate to the conditions contained in any
advisory statements, warnings or other information. I also acknowledge that I am free to seek out any
additional information I may desire before I choose to travel, study, and live abroad. I agree that, as a
condition of participating in any program outside of the U.S., my decision to travel, study, and live
abroad is solely my choice and that I voluntarily assume any and all related risks concerning such
activities, including the risk of needing additional information upon which to make an informed
choice about whether to participate in such activities.
2. Insurance. I agree that it is my responsibility to ascertain whether I have adequate health and
accident coverage and to procure any other insurance coverage as I may deem necessary. Furthermore,
I understand that it is my sole responsibility to review such coverage and obtain any additional
coverage that I deem appropriate.
3. Program Changes. I understand and agree that, although the University will attempt to maintain the
program as described in its publications and brochures, it reserves the right to change the program,
including the itinerary, travel arrangements, or accommodations, at any time and for any reason, with
or without notice, and that neither the University, its Board members, employees, or agents shall be
responsible or liable for any expenses or losses that I may sustain because of these changes.
4. Removal From Program. I understand and agree that the University reserves the right to decline to
retain me in the program at any time if my actions or general behavior, in the sole discretion of the
University, is determined to impede or to obstruct the progress of the program in any way or if I fail to
follow University policies.
5. Waiver, Release, and Hold Harmless. I understand and agree that, although the University has
made every reasonable effort to assure my safety while participating in the program, there are
unavoidable risks in travel overseas. I do hereby forever and absolutely waive and release any and all
claims against the University, its Board members, agents, employees, and any tour organizer or
arranger employed by the University, arising out of or relating to my participation in the program,
including but not limited to, claims for any injury, loss, damage or accident, delay or expense resulting
from the use of any vehicle, any strikes, war, acts of terrorism, weather, sickness, quarantine,
government restrictions or regulations or arising from any act of omission or any steamship, airline,