Sanctuary Christian Fellowship Temporary Guardianship Agreement


Temporary Guardianship Agreement
I, ________________________________
, as the custodial guardian of:
(child’s permanent guardian)
Child 1: ______________________________________ Child 1’s DOB: _______________
Child 2: ______________________________________ Child 2’s DOB: _______________
Child 3: ______________________________________ Child 3’s DOB: _______________
(if temporarily transferring guardianship of more than three children, list their names and dates of birth on the reverse side)
do hereby grant temporary guardianship of the above listed children to:
(list the full names of the individual(s) to whom you are granting temporary custody)
Person 1: ____________________________________________________________________
Relationship to child(ren): __________________________________________
Phone number: ________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Person 2: ____________________________________________________________________
Relationship to child(ren): __________________________________________
Phone number: ________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
____from _________________________
to __________________________
(beginning date)
(end date)
____for as long as necessary beginning on ____________________________
(beginning date)
In addition, in the event of an emergency or non-emergency situation requiring medical treatment, I hereby
grant permission for any and all medical and/or dental attention to be administered to my child(ren), in the
event of an accidental injury or illness. This permission includes, but is not limited to, the administration of
first aid, the use of an ambulance, the administration of anesthesia, and/or surgery, under the recommendation
of qualified medical personnel. I also grant permission for the guardians(s) named above to make educational
decisions for my child(ren).
Permanent Guardian signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________
Temporary Guardian signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________
Designated Third Party signature: _________________________________________ Date: _______________
3600 S. Clarkson St., Englewood, CO 80113 Office: 720.440.3531
A community committed to carrying out the revolution of Jesus.


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