Instructions 8689


Form 8689 (2006)
Personal property. The source of income from the sale of
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless
nondepreciable personal property is generally the seller’s tax home.
otherwise noted.
Income from the sale of inventory is generally sourced where the title
to the property passes. See section 865 for details.
What’s new. For tax years ending after January 31, 2006 (or
Special rules may apply to bona fide residents of U.S.
beginning with tax year 2006 if a calendar year taxpayer), changes
possessions who have gain from dispositions of certain
have been made to the rules for determining if you are a bona fide
investment property within the 10-year period beginning
resident of the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). See chapter 1 of Pub. 570,
when they became a bona fide resident. For details, see
Tax Guide for Individuals With Income From U.S. Possessions, for
chapter 2 of Pub. 570, Temporary Regulations section
more information.
1.937-2T(f)(1), and Example 2 of section 1.937-2T(k).
Reminder. If, in tax year 2001 or later, you became or ceased to be a
Part II—Adjusted Gross Income From the
bona fide resident of a U.S. possession, you may be required to file
Form 8898, Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide
U.S. Virgin Islands
Residence in a U.S. Possession. The penalty for failure to provide the
required information is $1,000. For details, see the Instructions for
At the time these instructions went to print, Congress was
Form 8898.
considering legislation that would extend the educator
Purpose of form. Use Form 8689 to figure the amount of U.S. tax
expenses deduction and the tuition and fees deduction
allocable to the U.S. Virgin Islands.
that expired at the end of 2005. To find out if this
legislation was enacted, and for more details, go to
Who must file. If you were a U.S. citizen or resident alien (other than a
, click on More Forms and Publications, and then on
bona fide resident of the USVI) and had income from sources in the
What’s Hot in forms and publications, or see Pub. 553, Highlights of
USVI or income effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or
2006 Tax Changes.
business in the USVI, you may owe tax to the U.S. Virgin Islands. Your
USVI tax liability is a percentage of your U.S. tax liability.
Line 17. If you or your spouse had an Archer MSA deduction on Form
1040, line 23, figure the amount to report on line 17 by (1) dividing
your USVI compensation by your total (worldwide) compensation, and
Do not use this form if you were a bona fide resident of
(2) multiplying the amount of your Archer MSA deduction by the result
the U.S. Virgin Islands during the entire tax year.
in (1).
Lines 21 through 23. If you had USVI source self-employment
income, figure the amount to enter on each line by (1) dividing your
Joint returns. If you file jointly and only one spouse is a bona fide
USVI source self-employment income by your total self-employment
resident of the USVI for the entire tax year, the resident status for both
income, and (2) multiplying the total amount of each deduction that
spouses and subsequent tax treatment is determined by the spouse
applies to you by the result in (1).
with the higher adjusted gross income (AGI) (disregarding community
property laws). File Form 8689 only if the spouse with the higher AGI
Line 24. Enter the amount of penalty on early withdrawals from
is not a bona fide resident of the USVI for the entire tax year.
savings accounts in USVI banks or USVI branches of U.S. banks. The
Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-OID you received will show the amount
Where to file. You must file identical tax returns with the United
of any penalty you were charged.
States and the U.S. Virgin Islands. File your original Form 1040
Line 25. Enter the total of your and your spouse’s IRA deductions
(including Form 8689) with the Internal Revenue Service Center,
attributable to USVI compensation or earned income. Figure the
Austin, TX 73301-0215.
amount to report on line 25 in the same way you would an Archer
File a copy of your Form 1040 (with all attachments, forms, and
MSA deduction (see Line 17, above).
schedules, including Form 8689) with the Virgin Islands Bureau of
Line 28. Include in the total on line 28 the amount of any other
Internal Revenue, 9601 Estate Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas,
deductions included on Form 1040, line 36, that are attributable to
VI 00802. They will accept a copy of your U.S. return and process it as
your USVI income. On the dotted line next to line 28, enter the amount
an original return.
of each deduction attributable to your USVI income and identify it as
Credit for U.S. tax paid to the U.S. Virgin Islands. You can take a
you did on Form 1040, line 36.
credit on your U.S. return for the U.S. tax allocated to the USVI only if
you actually paid the tax to the U.S. Virgin Islands. To take the credit,
Part IV—Payments of Income Tax to the
you must complete Form 8689 and attach it to your Form 1040. Add
U.S. Virgin Islands
line 40 and line 44 of Form 8689 and include the amount in the total
on Form 1040, line 72. Next to line 72, enter “Form 8689” and the
Amounts overpaid to the United States generally will not be applied to
amount paid.
the amount you owe to the U.S. Virgin Islands. Similarly, amounts
Additional information. Pub. 570 has more information and an
overpaid to the U.S. Virgin Islands will not be applied to the amount
example of how to complete Form 8689. To get Pub. 570, see Quick
you owe to the United States.
and Easy Access to Tax Help and Forms in the instructions for Form
Penalty for Failure To Furnish Information
If you fail to provide the required information, you may have to pay a
Part I—Income From the U.S. Virgin Islands
$1,000 penalty for each failure unless you can show the failure was
Source of income. The rules for determining the source of income
due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect. This penalty is in
addition to any criminal penalty provided by law.
are explained in sections 861 through 865, section 937, in Temporary
Regulations section 1.937-2T, and in Pub. 570. Some general rules
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this
The source of wages, salaries, or tips is generally where the
form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. You
services are performed. If you worked both in and outside the USVI,
are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you
include on line 1 only wages, salaries, or tips earned while you were in
are complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the
the USVI.
right amount of tax.
The source of interest income is generally where the payer is
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form
located. For example, interest from a certificate of deposit issued by a
that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form
USVI bank or a USVI branch of a U.S. bank is USVI source income.
displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a
Generally, dividends are sourced where the paying corporation is
form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may
created or organized.
become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law.
Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, as
Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of local U.S. Virgin Islands
required by section 6103.
income taxes only include nonmirror code income taxes.
The average time and expenses required to complete and file this
Alimony received from a person who is a bona fide resident of the
form will vary depending on individual circumstances. For the
U.S. Virgin Islands is USVI source income.
estimated averages, see the instructions for your income tax return.
Except as provided in regulations, income earned after December
If you have suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be
31, 2004, that is from sources within the United States or effectively
happy to hear from you. See the Instructions for your income tax
connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United
States is not income from the U.S. Virgin Islands.


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