Cover Letter/letter Of Introduction Writing Page 5


60 Treeline Drive
Springfield, ME 04040
(207) 555-9335
June 23, 2002
Ms. Jean Quimby
Personnel Manager
Campbell’s Soup
65 Cedar Grove Ave.
Bangor, ME 04222
Dear Ms. Quimby:
A mutual friend, Troy McClure, mentioned to me that you may soon be looking for an individual
in your Customer Relations Department. Please consider this my application for a position at
Campbell’s Soup Limited. I have two years experience as an Administrative Assistant, working
with senior staff in the Customer Relations department.
I am a well-organized, highly motivated individual who enjoys the challenges of working in a
fast-paced office environment. I have strong communication and computer skills, including a
working knowledge of Windows 98 and Microsoft Word as well as Microsoft Excel. I also have
experience in dealing successfully with a variety of customers.
Enclosed is my resume for your consideration. I will call you in a week to further discuss this
position and to arrange a time that we can discuss my resume in further detail. I can be reached
at the above number day or evening. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Maude Flanders
LP5 – Cover Letters


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