Michael Anical
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Integrated input roller having a rotary mass actuator
Filed: April 2014
Handheld device having multiple localized force feedback
Filed: March 2014
Tag for facilitating interaction with a wireless communication device
Filed: March 2014
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
May 2013
Mechanical Engineering Advanced Study Grant
August 2012-May 2013
Recognized as a “Ph.D. Student of Promise” by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, nominated by
Dr. Byron Labb
June 2013
Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers Graduate Student Scholarship
August 2013-present
North Star Stem Alliance Scholar, University of Minnesota
August 2007-May 2011
Journal publications
Anical, Michael, John Author, Anne Gineer. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering, 2013; Under review.
Anical, Michael, Goldy Article, Grant Riter. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering, 2012; 126 (56-70): 1020-1056.
Anical, Michael, Rita Journal, Andy Mann. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering, 2011; 122 (43-52): 894-906.
Conference publications
Author, Mark, Michael Anical, Tom Article. Title. Conference title, Conference City, State, 2012.
Author, Mark, Michael Anical, Tom Article. Title. Conference title, Conference City, State, 2011.
Presented “Numerical Study of Natural Convection in Solar Thermal Storage Vessels” at the Minnesota
Society of Professional Engineers Conference, St. Paul, MN, September 19-22, 2013.
Presented “Numerical Study of Natural Convection in Solar Thermal Storage Vessels” at the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 4-7, 2013.
Presented “Real-Time Automotive Slip Angle Estimation with Nonlinear Observer” at American Control
Conference, Auburn, AL, January 12-15, 2013.
Presented “Low Pressure Plasma Synthesis of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles” at University of Minnesota
Master Thesis Event, Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2010.
Presented robot at University of Minnesota Robot Show Fall, Minneapolis, MN, December 8, 2008.
“Low Pressure Plasma Synthesis of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles,” Minnesota Society of Professional
Engineers Conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 20-24, 2010.
International Association of Mechanical Engineers
August 2010-present
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
August 2009-present
Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers
August 2008-present
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