How to keep a food diary
What is a food diary?
A food diary is a complete record of the food your child has eaten during a certain period of time. This
record will help the health care team know your child’s needs.
How do I complete a food diary?
Write down every food or beverage that your child eats and drinks each day.
Write down how much of the food or beverage your child actually ate or drank. Avoid using words
such as “bites” or “sips.” Use standard sizes and weights when you can (tsps., cups, ounces, etc.)
Write down brand names of items.
Write down cooking methods of food, such as baked, broiled, fried, stewed or microwaved.
Keep these records close to wherever your child eats and drinks. This will help you keep an accu-
rate record.
Return the completed record to your child’s health care team.
Sample daily food and drink diary
Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Food or beverage
Type and/or how prepared
Quaker instant, apples and
7 am
1 package
1 tbsp margarine added
¼ c
12 pm
McDonald’s regular
French fries
McDonald’s small
¾ order
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