Mini research paper
Two page research paper over an individual figure in the modern dance field.
Levels of Performance
1. Content
Paper covers in depth
Paper covers general facts of
Paper does not cover facts of
facts of individual's personal and
individual's personal and
individual's personal and
professional lives.
professional lives.
professional lives.
2. Grammar
<p>No errors in capitalization,
<p>1 - 3 errors in capitalization,
<p>More than 3 errors in
punctionation, grammar, or spelling that
punctionation, grammar, or spelling that
capitalization, punctionation, grammar,
distract the reader from the content.
distract the reader from the content.
or spelling that distract the reader from
the content. </p>
3. Length of Paper
<p>Paper is two complete pages and
Paper is at least one and a half pages.
Paper is less than one and a half
includes a cover page.</p>
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