City of Pasadena – Water Billing Office
P.O. Box 1337
Pasadena, TX 77501-1337
713.475.5566 – Office
713.475.2534 - Fax
Pool (Sewer) Credit Request
Please note that if a pool deposit does not exist on an account and you are requesting a credit, you will be
billed a deposit. An in-ground pool requires a $50 deposit and an above ground pool requires a $25
deposit. Also, on an above ground pool, no adjustment will be considered if it holds less than 15,000 gallons
as the deposit amount would be more than the credit amount.
Customer Information
Name on Account:
Account Number:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
_____ In-ground Pool
Size of Pool: _____________
Date Pool Filled: _____/_____/______
Type of Pool:
(# of Gallons)
_____ Above Ground Pool
Pool Information
Beginning Meter Reading Prior to Filling Pool _________
Ending Meter Reading After Filling Pool __________
Reason for Pool Credit:
______ New Pool
_______ Repaired/Painted _______ Other
PLEASE NOTE: Completion of this form does not guarantee a credit will be made to your bill. Once the review is
complete, you will receive notification of results from the City of Pasadena Water Billing Office. Additionally, I understand
that the credit cannot reduce total consumption below monthly average.
I understand I can be considered for a credit on the sewer portion of my bill when the review is complete.
Customer Signature
The office will need access to the property to verify the existence of a pool if Harris County Appraisal District’s records
do not reflect that a pool exists.
Each customer may receive one (1) pool credit for each calendar year as long as the consumption warrants.
No pool credit will be issued for water only or separate sprinkler accounts.
Any credit will be applied to the sewer portion of the bill and will be based on the size of the pool.
Any credits issued on the sewer portion of the bill will not appear on the cycle that the pool was filled but on the
following bill.
The office will notify you regarding any discrepancies with this credit request.
For Office Use Only:
Average Amount Billed for Sewer: $___________ Amount of Credit Provided: $____________ Deposit Billed –