The PI Company Dispute Notification Form - ALACOURT
If you wish to dispute the accuracy of any information contained within the Consumer Criminal
Report you received from The PI Company completed on you by:
please forward us (1) the denial letter along with the criminal report, (2) copy of your Driver’s
License or State I.D. AND (3) Social Security Card with this completed form.
Check one of the following reasons this report was conducted:
____ Consumer Criminal Report: search conducted on yourself
____ Other: ___________________________________________________________
You may fax to (501) 374-2727 or mail to
The PI Company
1 Riverfront Drive, Suite 700
North Little Rock, AR 72114
You will be contacted by The PI Company following the receipt of your signed form. If you
have any further questions, you may contact The PI Company by calling (800) 260-0079.
The following form must be completed in full for processing:
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Zip Code
Daytime Phone No.
Evening Phone No.
Social Security No.
Date of Birth
Drivers License Number
State Issued
Request for Alternative Disclosure Method
□ I wish to authorize disclosure of my file in a manner other then mail
□ By Telephone:___________________
By Fax :___________________
□ By other means:__________________
Identify all information that you believe to be incorrect.