Notice Of Proposed School District Action Letter Template


School District Letterhead
Name of Parent, Guardian, Educational Surrogate Parent, Student 18 and over]
Name of Student and other identifying information (i.e. DOB, ID#)]
Subject: The school district proposes the following:
[Check all that apply.]
An Evaluation
An IEP/Amendment
A Placement
Other: ___________________________________________
(please specify)
Notice Date:
[Date notice is to be mailed.]
The school district has recently discussed this student and, with your input, has developed a
proposal. We have described our actions and our reasons for these actions on page two of this memo.
As you know, special education regulations provide protection to you and your child. You will find
specific information about your legal rights within the Interim Notice of Procedural Safeguards,
including sources that you may contact for help in understanding your rights. This notice is enclosed
for initial evaluations. You should have received your Interim Notice of Procedural Safeguards on
______________________ if you will be attending an IEP/Amendment or Placement meeting
during this school year. We will also disseminate the notice at your request and upon disciplinary
removal to an interim alternative education setting. You should carefully review this brochure and
the enclosed material before making any decisions.
The school district staff is available to speak to you or meet with you about your rights and the
school district’s proposal. We strongly encourage you to call us if you have any questions. Please
contact us through the district contact person listed below. Thank you.
An Evaluation Consent Form, an IEP or an IEP Amendment must be signed and returned, as we are
required by law to have a signed copy on file regardless of your decision. Please return a copy as
soon as possible but no later than the date listed below. Thank you.
Document Return Date:
[Date or non-applicable]
District Contact Person: [
Name and Role]
Contact Information:
[Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number and Email Address (if not on letterhead)]
Interim Notice of Procedural Safeguards
[for initial evaluations, parent request or disciplinary removal]
[Specify: Evaluation Consent Form, Extended Evaluation Form, IEP, IEP Amendment, etc. ]
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education / Notice of Proposed School District Action
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