“Know What to Do If You Get Lost”
Active Learning
Grade: 2
CC.K-12.MP.6: Attend to precision.
Help your students create an emergency card so if they get lost, someone can help them find their parents.
Materials Needed:
Steps to Success:
• Emergency contact template
1. Have the students fill in the emergency card
template with their information.
• 4x6 index cards
2. Instruct students to cut it out and glue it to a 4x6
• Scissors
index card.
• Glue
3. Allow students to draw and color pictures on the
other side of the index card.
• Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
4. Remind them what to do with these cards if they
ever got lost.
5. Laminate the index cards for the students.
• Gather the materials in an appropriate area.
• Have the students bring emergency contact
information from their parents to school for this
“Know What to Do If You Get Lost”
wgep037 • v04