Name ____________________________ Date _______________ Period _________
Outsiders “Wanted” Poster
Directions: You will create a Wanted poster for a character from The Outsiders. You will determine
from your notes whether he/she shows acts of loyalty or rivalry in the book. Fill out the information
below before finalizing your poster. See teacher for poster template or paper.
1. Name of character: ______________________________________________________
2. Wanted for acts of: ______________________________________________________
3. Detailed physical description (what s/he looks like): _____________________________
(use pages 6-10 in book for Greaser descriptions)
4. Personality traits (how s/he acts): ____________________________________________
5. Specific acts (you need to use the legal terms): _________________________________
6. Consequences of acts (directly stated or inferred): _______________________________
7. Known hangouts: ___________________________ Nicknames (if any): _____________
8. What to do if found: _______________________________________________________
9. Reward amount (if any): ________________________
10. Hand draw your character’s face using color for the final poster
11. Final poster must be neat and free from errors in grammar or spelling
12. Put your name, date, and period on the back of the final poster