Department of
Rev. 1/08
Military Employee Exemption From Withholding
Purpose: To exempt from the withholding of Ohio income and Ohio school district income taxes military pay and allowances
received for active duty service while the Ohio resident military member is stationed outside the state of Ohio. To qualify for the
exemption, the military member must complete this form in full, sign it and submit it to his/her finance officer.
First name
Last name
Home address (number and street) or P.O. box number
ZIP code
Social Security number
Name of public school district of residence
School district number
As an active duty military member of the United States, I am currently stationed outside the state of Ohio at the following
military installation (below, please provide the name and address of United States military installation; abbreviations OK):
ZIP code
Note: Ohio Revised Code section 5747.01(A)(24)
provides that each Ohio resident does not owe Ohio income tax or Ohio
school district income tax on active duty military pay and allowances received while he/she is stationed outside the state of
Ohio. This law is effective for taxable years that begin in 2007 and thereafter.
By completing this certificate, the employee certifies that he/she is an Ohio resident currently employed as an active duty
military member whose current military station is located outside the state of Ohio. This withholding exemption applies only to
military pay and allowances received for active duty while the military member is stationed outside of Ohio. This exemption
does not apply to compensation paid that relates to nonactive duty status or to compensation received while the military
member is stationed in Ohio.
By signing this statement, the military member agrees that, if Ohio form IT 4 MIL no longer applies as a result of the
military member’s being (i) stationed in Ohio or (ii) assigned to other than an active duty status while stationed
outside of Ohio, he/she will complete Ohio form IT 4, Ohio Employee’s Withholding Exemption Certificate, to
resume Ohio income tax withholding and any applicable Ohio school district income tax withholding.
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that I have completed this certificate, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true,
accurate and complete.
Finance officer: After you have adjusted your records to reflect the information set forth on this form, please mail the original form to the Ohio
Department of Taxation, IT 4 MIL Section, P.O. Box 2476, Columbus, OH, 43216-2476 and retain a copy for your records.
To obtain the school district number, see the listing in the back of the instructions for the Ohio individual income tax return, form IT 1040, available at
our Web site at
Ohio Revised Code section 5747.01(A)(24): “Deduct, to the extent included in federal adjusted gross income and not otherwise allowable as a
deduction or exclusion in computing federal or Ohio adjusted gross income for the taxable year, military pay and allowances received by the taxpayer
during the taxable year for active duty service in the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard or Reserve components
thereof or the National Guard. The deduction may not be claimed for military pay and allowances received by the taxpayer while the taxpayer is
stationed in this state.” Please see page 2 for additional information.