Engl 90
Essay Prompt: Based on the sources we have read and watched, write a
4-page essay in which you discuss what you believe to be key
characteristics of people who stand up and fight against injustice.
What is a Synthesis Essay? A thesis-driven synthesis essay is a written discussion in which you draw on more
than two sources to support a claim you make about a topic.
You have
: read several articles, watched videos of interviews and a speech, and participated in a variety of class
Now you will
: organize some of the information around the prompt assigned by your instructor (discuss key
characteristics of people who stand up and fight against injustice), make a Thesis Statement that gives your answer
to the question, and then present information (quotes, paraphrases, examples) in a logical way to support your Thesis
4. Video: “Tomatoes of Wrath: Lucas
You MUST Use the following:
5.Video: “Greening the Gulf: Diane
A synthesis essay is NOT: a
"Mahatma Gandhi"
6.Video: “Have Justice Will Travel:
“Greening the Ghetto,” by Elizabeth
summary, or a simple comparison.
Wynona Ward”
A synthesis IS: an integration
You must also use at least
Video sources sources will be posted
ONE of the following sources:
of what you have learned, and your
on in the “Synthesis Essay Assignment”
1. “Arn Chorn Pond”
folder in the HANDOUTS section
ability to use this learning to develop
2. “Winona LaDuke”
3. “Ernest Villareal”
and support an idea of your own.