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Bleed Area: The bleed area extends out 3mm from the
edge of your finished document. All images or colour that
print to the edge of your document should be extended into
this area to avoid the chance of any white lines appearing.
Do not place any content that you wish to appear in your
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Non Text Area: Avoid putting any text 3mm from the edge
7x5 Envelope Liner
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and could possibly get trimmed off. If possible, also avoid
(180mm x 216mm)
using any thin borders in this area as you may get
inconsistent thickness.
Trim Area: This is the finished size of your document.
Anything placed outside of this area will be trimmed off.
Fold line: This is the fold line for your document. Keep all
text at least 3mm away from this line.
When saving a PDF for print, please use the following
Adobe PDF preset > PDF/X-4:2008 >
Marks and bleed >
Select ‘trim marks’
Set all ‘Bleeds’ to 3mm