Narrative Essay Writing Prompts


Narrative Essay writing prompts:
Essay must be a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Keep in
mind that your essay must have a personal-view and world-view, meaning that you must share
your own perspective on the event, then make a point that will offer a larger meaning to your
readers. (You might relate this to a moral at the end of a story, the whole picture after completing
a jigsaw puzzle, the release of a single after recording a song, the real-world application of a
math equation, the “So What?” to your story.)
Choose one of the following prompts for your essay topic:
1. Write about a specific event in which you were the victim, perpetrator, or observer of an
act of prejudice.
2. Write about a significant even in your life that took place in the span of one hour.
3. Write about an experience which challenged or changed your beliefs/values.
We will be covering the writing process over the next few weeks, beginning with the structure of
the narrative essay. I have included the basic outline for your writing below. You will have 3
weeks to complete your final draft of this essay, and may turn in many rough drafts for review
prior to the final due date. Remember that this essay will be included in your portfolio; it will be
an integral part of passing the course. Be sure to choose a topic that will carry your interest thru
the entire 3 weeks.
Narrative Essay Outline:
1. Introduction
a. Thesis sentence
2. First body paragraph
a. Supporting details
b. Transition
3. Second body paragraph
a. Supporting details
b. Transition
4. Third body paragraph
a. Supporting details
b. Transition
5. Conclusion
a. Larger meaning


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