How to Write a Cover Letter
This piece of writing is always your first chance to impress your prospective reader, whether it be a
prospective funder or journal editor. Here are few tips to remember when writing a cover letter:
Your writing needs to impress your reader, so pay close attention to coherence, cohesion, structure,
conventions, spelling and grammar. You need to both capture your reader’s interest and convince
your reader that you are a good candidate funding etc...
Always follow the requirements for your cover letter. In general, one page is sufficient.
Your cover letter will follow a similar format to a formal business letter. For example, it must include
the address of both yourself and your intended reader.
Always address the letter to a person, never “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear
Introduce Yourself:
Who are you?
Where did you study?
What do you currently do?
Highlight the reader’s organisation:
What is special/interesting about this organisation?
Why are you applying to this journal/scholarship?
What makes you/your work a good fit?
Highlight yourself:
Why are you best suited for the job (align it with their specific requirements)
What can you offer the organization?
What skills/experience do you have?
Are you involved in any community work?
What are your strengths?
What benefits will you gain from your association with this organization?
Thank your intended reader. Welcome an interview session at their convenience.
Remember to be confident but not arrogant in your tone!
Everybody has their own style of writing and there is no single format that fits every situation.
However, there are some essential elements that editors and funders pay attention to.