Example of a cover letter:
Your Address
Intended Address
Re: Application for the (name) Scholarship
Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr (name)
I am a PhD student in the Evolutionary Genomics Group in the Department of Molecular and Cell
Biology at UCT. My research focuses on the sociogenetic population structure of a local termite
species, Microhodotermes viator, with regards to relatedness, behaviour and chemical
The (name) scholarship has a legacy of fostering the development and support of graduate students,
and it is only due to the generous donations of such philanthropists, that South African students can
continue to produce excellent research. This is a legacy I would be proud to be a part of.
Currently there is a large void in our knowledge where my species of interest, M. viator, is
concerned, and, given it’s extensive colonisation of up to 25% of the land surface area of the
Western Cape (Picker et al., 2007), my research will provide novel and valuable insight. I feel, and
the literature shows, that this work is of great importance both scientifically and environmentally,
with implications for climate change studies.
Funding from the (name) Scholarship Program would be extremely appreciated and make a real
difference to my life, providing me with more financial security and peace-of-mind, allowing me to
focus more clearly on my research.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I optimistically look
forward to a favourable response.
(Your name)
Compiled by: Taahira Moola, 2015.