Sample Notification Letter
Dear <WIC Client>:
An electric breast pump was provided to you on _________________ to help you give
the best nutrition to your baby. Per your agreement with WIC, you were required to
return the pump on ____________________, when you discontinue breastfeeding your
baby or within 5 working days of our request for the pump, whichever comes first. WIC
is requesting the prompt return of the breastpump so it may be used for another client in
need of breastmilk for her baby.
We appreciate your return of the breast pump to the WIC clinic within five working days
of receipt of this letter. We are happy to work with you in obtaining the breastpump. If
you are unable to return the pump to the clinic promptly, please call us at
Congratulations on giving your baby the best start in life and for providing other women
the opportunity to do the same. We look forward to seeing you soon!
<Local Agency> WIC