Quiet Enjoyment: Letter to Landlord
Landlord’s Name
Landlord’s Address
This notice is to remind you that under Section 5321.05 (A)(8) of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC), a tenant
must “conduct himself, and require other persons on the premises with consent to conduct themselves in a
manner that will not disturb his neighbors’ peaceful enjoyment of the premises.”
I feel that the tenant at: __________________________________________________________________
(Address/apartment number)
has violated this requirement because of the following condition (s):
ORC section 5321.04 (A)(2) requires you to “keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition.” I feel that
the above situation significantly compromises the habitability of my unit. If the above condition(s) are not
remedied within a reasonable time, not to exceed 30 days, I may exercise my rights as provided by the
ORC section 5321.07.
Please note that ORC section 5321.02 prohibits a landlord from retaliating against a tenant by threatening
evictions, decreasing services, or increasing the rent where the tenant has engaged in a protected activity
such as complaining about dwelling conditions.
I hope these conditions can be remedied without further delay. Thank you for your attention to these
Address and phone#
Fair Housing Contact Service (FHCS) seeks to be accurate in providing general housing information to prospective and existing
tenants and landlords, home seekers, housing providers, and the general public. It recognizes that errors may occur and that
these errors will be corrected when discovered. The information presented here is only intended to provide its readers with
information and guidance, and is not intended to be legal advice. WE ARE NOT ATTORNEYS. If you need legal advice, please seek
the aid of an attorney.