Devised with statements from Southwark STAR Teacher Assessment
Green Green - emerging
Year 1 Guided Reading Planning and Assessment sheets for Curriculum 2014
Blue – Blue - developing
Black - secure
Notes of guidance: Each group should have a separate sheet which would last for 3-4 sessions (approximately half of a half-term) It is important that children are not moved onto to
another year group’s sheet too quickly as soon when they have covered or met standard once or twice, but that they are given the opportunity to apply the skill a number of times
Red - mastery
within the context of a new text, in order to deepen understanding
Assessment Strands
Highlight statements below when covered
Word Reading
Starting to exhibit fluency and confidence
Apply developing phonic knowledge to read aloud
Reads aloud accurately books that are consistent with their
When reading aloud, sounds out unfamiliar words
Common exception words,
when re-reading known texts and applying
accurately books that are consistent with their
developing phonic knowledge and that do not require them to use
accurately without undue hesitation, and reads with
contractions, fluency.
word reading skills appropriate for level
phonic knowledge.
other strategies to decode words.
confidence and fluency
Reads words with contractions
Applies phonic knowledge and skills consistently to
consistently decode age appropriate texts quickly and
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Making Inferences
Can group texts with similar themes together
With prompting, can make simple links between
Links what they've read or heard to their own experiences
Is able to make inferences on the basis of what is
Asking questions to make sense
when sorting books
what they've read or heard
being said or done.
and starts to link information to
Can suggest what a character might do next
Can talk very simply about what a character
Can say how a character might feel
their own experiences
is like
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Can retell simple known stories from memory
Able to retell key stories, traditional tales and fairy
Able to discuss the particular characteristics of key stories, traditional
Identifies sequences of events in texts and offers
Recognises and joins in with
tales and fairy stories
simple explanations of how items of information relate
predictable phrases, checks the
Can pick out the title from the other text.
to one another, whilst checking that the text makes
text makes sense as they read.
Able to discuss the significance of titles and events
Is able to draw on what they already know and background
sense to them, corrects any inaccurate reading.
information to understand books they have read
Self-corrects inaccurate reading,
Able to explain clearly what is read to them
discusses what has been read to
Checks that the text makes sense to them by rephrasing back key
words and sentences.
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Language for effect
With support, can identify a word that is
Discusses word meanings, linking new meanings to those already
Enjoys playing with words found when reading and uses
Able to identify words they do not understand
Discuss favourite words and
them contextually within speech.
New words are understood through the exploration of their
meaning in context, and by making links to known
Discuss word meanings.
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Range of Texts
Listens to some poems, stories and non-
Listens to and discusses some poems, stories and
Listens to and discusses a wide range of poems, stories and non-
Reads more than one type of book for pleasure and
Listens to and discusses books
fiction beyond a level at which they can read
non-fiction at a level beyond which they can read
fiction at a level beyond which they can read independently
talks avidly about them to peers and adults.
that are structured in different
ways and for a range of
Can recite simple short poems
Enjoys picking out and reading favourite poems.
Can join in with a group to recite predictable
Can recite simple rhymes
purposes. Recite simple rhymes
rhyming text
and poems.
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard
Tick if group have met standard