Interview Thank You Letter Template For A Teacher


Sample Thank-You Letter (Teacher)
(Company Name)
(Attention: Name)
(City State)
Dear (Name):
You and I had the pleasure of meeting for an interview on __________. Thank you for selecting
me as a candidate for your open position of __________________.
After visiting and meeting with you, I am very excited about beginning a career with your school
district as a _______. Being a diligent and energetic Teacher, I know that I am well qualified to
fit in with your collaborative, team-focused environment. In addition, I can fit your need for an
individual with skills in Responsive Classroom strategies, guided reading initiatives, and Best
Practices teaching methods. I hold high ethical standards as a compassionate and trusted Teacher
with an enthusiastic respect for students, families, and peers.
I’m very interested in the position of ____________, and would like to again thank you for your
time and consideration in meeting with me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Warmest Regards,
(Name here)


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