Nfte Written Business Plan Rubric Template Page 2


Opportunity Recognition &
Market Research
Promotion & Sales
Business Financials
Business Structure
Student is able to:
4 – Exceeds Expectations
3 – Meets Expectations
2 – Below Expectations
1 – Little or No Value
Determine the market size
2.1 Market
Correctly identifies industry
Student correctly identifies
Incorrectly identifies either the
Incorrectly identifies industry
for their business by using
name and size; connects
industry name and size for
industry name or size, though
name and size; research not
primary and secondary
current trends to further
their business
provides evidence research
support business opportunity
Potential target market size is
Potential target market size is
Potential target market size is
Potential target market size is
accurate, based on clear
accurate and based on clear
inaccurate but based on clear
inaccurate; no quantitative
quantitative reasoning, and
quantitative reasoning
quantitative reasoning
rationale provided
includes student-generated
primary research
Identify an appropriate
2.2 Target
Extensive and relevant
Relevant demographic,
Limited or irrelevant
Limited or irrelevant
target market in terms of
demographic, geographic and
geographic and psychographic
demographic, geographic and
demographic, geographic and
psychographic information;
information; linked to product
psychographic information;
psychographic information; not
psychographics, and
linked to product or service’s
or service’s features and
somewhat linked to product or
linked to product or service’s
consumer behaviors
features and benefits
service’s features and benefits
features and benefits
Differentiate their business
2.3 Competitors
Identifies more than 3 direct
Identifies 3 direct competitors
Identifies 2 direct competitors
Identifies 2 or fewer direct
from direct and indirect
competitors and provides info
and provides info about their
and provides info about their
competitors but does not
about their prices, location,
prices, location, quality, and
prices, location, quality, and
provide info about their prices,
Set a long-term vision for
quality, and reputation;
location, quality, and
their business based on
provides comparison between
their understanding of
competitors and own business
market trends and future
Identifies multiple indirect
Identifies multiple indirect
Identifies an indirect
Info on indirect competitors
competitors and provides info
competitors and provides info
competitor and provides info
missing or inaccurate
about their prices, location,
about their prices, location,
about their prices, location,
quality, and reputation;
quality, and reputation
quality, and reputation
comments on why competitors
are indirect
2.4 Competitive
States 3 clear and valid
States 3 clear and valid
States 2 competitive
States 1 or no competitive
competitive advantages; uses
competitive advantages
advantages, or advantages are
advantages, or advantages
research on competitors to
support claims
Create a long-term vision
2.5 Business
Short- and long-term business
Short- and long-term business
Goals are missing or are
goals are attainable and time-
goals may not be attainable or
irrelevant to the business
for their business based
bound; goals’ rationale linked
they’re not time-bound
on their understanding
to market research
of market trends
2.6 Challenges
Short- and long-term
Short- and long-term
Challenges are missing or are
challenges are insightful,
challenges are somewhat
irrelevant to the business
relevant, and explicitly
unclear or somewhat irrelevant
informed by market research
Section Total
All young people can find their path to success


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