Summer Reading Log
Name: _______________________
Language Arts / American Literature & Composition
This log is an opportunity for you to review your summer reading book and to show what you know.
This reading log is due on the third Friday of the school year.
Book Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Author: ____________________________
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences and paragraphs when needed. You may
attach additional paper if needed.
1. SUMMARY : In paragraph form (6-9 sentences) and in your own words/ideas, provide a summary of this
2. MAIN EVENTS : In chronological order, list TEN major events that happen during this novel.
3. CONFLICT: List THREE major conflicts from this novel [internal and/or external]. Explain each conflict
and explain whether or not each conflict is resolved by the end of the novel.
4. SETTING : Much of the American literature we will read this semester involves the impact the setting has
on its characters. Describe the setting of this novel [time period / location / specific dates / seasons, etc.]. How
does your novel’s setting impact the characters, conflicts, and/or plot of this novel? Explain.