**Include retrieval date information only if you are citing a wiki (ex. Wikipedia), or other type of source that is regularly changing
You can find more examples in the library or online at
(Sample cover page)
Running head: TITLE OF PAPER
Check list:
Font : Times New Roman,
size 12
Double spaced
Title of Paper
Include running head and
Your Name
page number in the
header (see Header guide
Mildred Elley College
for instructions)
o Title
o Your name
o Mildred Elley College
All pages after the title page
should include:
A header with the title of
the paper in all caps and
the page number
(as shown at the top of the
Sample references page)
sample reference page )
Check list:
Font: Times New Roman,
size 12
De Vries, S. (2007). Close encounters with Alfred Adler. Retrieved from
Include running head and
page number in header
Edgren, A. R. (2002). Diabetes mellitus. In Gale encyclopedia of medicine (2
ed., vol.2,
Put the word References
pp. 1047-1053). New York: Gale Group.
centered, at the top of
Hancock, D. R. (2001). Effects of test anxiety and evaluative threat on students’
the page
Use hanging indent
achievement and motivation. The Journal of Educational Research, 94, 284-
Follow the appropriate
format for the type of
Jacobson, J. W., Mulick, J. A., & Schwartz, A. A. (1995). A history of facilitated
source (shown on the
communication: Science, pseudoscience, and antiscience. American
front of this sheet or an
Psychologist, 50, 750-765.
alternate APA guide)
Alphabetical order, by
Komisar, L. (1991). The new feminism. New York: Franklin Watts.
author’s last name
Authors listed using last
name, followed by first
(and middle) initial(s)